Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Insert witty blog title here.

Today is yet another snow day. I stopped counting how many days they've been out so far this year. It's at least a week, maybe 2. I got an email from the school district yesterday saying their last day of this school year has been extended to June 4th. Since they're off today as well, I guess that makes it June 5th. I really wish they'd use some of these holidays as make-up days. This summer is going to be really fucking short. Can we just have warmer weather already??

Dinner tonight is a total mystery as of right now. I have no idea what to make. I still need to separate the giant log of hamburger in the refrigerator into 1lb sections and freeze them. They last a lot longer that way, and it's so damn handy. I know for sure I'm making the Philly Tomato-Basil Dip tonight, but that's not going to count as dinner. I'm making some adjustments to it, too. It calls for 2 tbsp of fresh basil, and I have only I'm gonna have to use some dried basil as well. Best part about that is that I grew all of it. The bad part is that I've used my last surviving basil plant. Poor thing hung on this long, and all it had left on it was about a tbsp. But as I said before, come spring, I WILL be planting more.

Oh yeah..the recipe.

It doesn't say to bake it, and that kind of bothers I will be baking it. I dont think I have a dish large enough though, so idk. I have a Ramekin that it might all fit into, but I hope it doesn't bubble over. I'd hate to lose any of it. :/ Oh wait..I have some lasagna dishes I swiped from Bearno's like 10 years ago. That will suffice!! :D

Also, I gotta get the stuff to make pizza dip tonight. The BF's been craving it (and so have I) so it's about damn time I made some.

This still doesn't solve the dinner dilemma. Ugh. I'm not feelin' meatloaf at all, or burgers. Totally burnt out on brinner. If I eat any more eggs I"m gonna start clucking. Seriously considering sandwiches. With some nice bread and fixin's. Yep. That's it.

I'll post some pics of how my tomato basil dip turns out. That's the main thing I'm lookin forward to tonight. Til then..

Eat up, y'all!

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