Monday, February 3, 2014

Eda's Sugarfree Candies

A while back I got an invite from Swaggable to try Eda's Sugarfree Candies and write a review on them. I was pretty much ready to give up on even getting them in the mail, but then I finally got them Friday afternoon.

I was expecting a full size bag, since swaggable has sent me full size products in the past, so I was disappointed immediately. On the bag it says not to eat too many because the candies can have a laxative effect on certain individuals. That's a little unsettling, so I tried two of them. 

The flavor just wasn't there. If you closed your eyes, and put one in your mouth, you wouldn't be able to tell what flavor you were eating. They just tasted sugary, which was weird because they were sugar-free. I didn't really care much for them, and ended up leaving them at my mom's house for her to try. Maybe she'll like them better than I did. 

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