Just came in from the mailbox, and I got junk. A Red Bulletin magazine, Pioneer News Extra, and the electric bill. No samples. Womp. :( I'm expecting a bag of sugar free candy from Swaggable and should have gotten it by now. They want my feedback on it, but I can't give it to them. :(
Not sure what I'm doing for dinner tonight but I have some ideas. I want to cut up some chicken breasts into strips, marinate them in something delicious and exotic, then flour and egg them, then deep fry them. The BF is mad at me right now, and I think this is a direct line to his soft spot for me. Lol. I don't know what to make to go with them though. I have some rice packets, but I don't like the way they turn out. I like my cooked rice to be kind of dry..not creamy. Idk. I'll figure it out. Might just do some mashed potatoes or fries.
Jazz is sleeping right now so I was able to grab a shower. Rizz is at school, and it is unnaturally quiet around here without her fighting with her brother. Even the neighbors upstairs are keeping it to a dull roar. It's really nice. Oh..wait..there goes the stomping. Nevermind.
The temperatures here have been absurd. Last week we were in some kind of nuclear winter vortex, then saturday it's freakin 50 something degrees, and today it's back to freezing our asses off. I'm so over this shit. Spring, move your ass. I'm ready for flip flops and capri pants and fishing.
I found out today that I can't even start planting my herbs until March. Grr. This year though, my shit is going to be AMAZING. I'm gonna do basil, cilantro, dill, rosemary, chives, and all sorts of stuff! It's going to be a big deal this time. All I had last time was basil, and yes, that was awesome, but it's all I had. I want more. Much, much more. We're coming up on a year in the apartment now, and this spring and summer are going to be EPIC. More trips to the park, cooking out, gardening. The kids are going to have so much more fun this year than they did last year. I can't wait for this wintry bullshit to disappear. Lol.
Well, I'm about done you guys. I need to do a few dishes, get my Rizzle off the bus, and assess the day she's had. Then there's those chicken strips..mmm.. Yeah, I'm outta here. Lol.
Eat up, y'all!