Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sushi magnets.

A few weeks ago my sister bought me a pack of erasers that were shaped like sushi. And I loooove all things sushi.I knew I'd never use them to erase with cuz that'd just ruin them, but didn't want to stick them in a drawer somewhere either. So I decided to turn them into fully-functioning members of my refrigerator magnet society. Lol. Here's the before pic.

Cute, right?! I love them! But there's no way I was gonna ruin them by erasing. So here's the after pic.

It's amazing what you can do with a hot glue gun and some leftover magnet pieces. I adore these little cuties! 

I hope this inspires y'all to go out and eat some sushi. 

Eat up, y'all!

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