Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cheesecake stuffed strawberries.

These things are so delicious. Just another gem I found on pinterest (but the photo is my own). I've made them a few times, and once for my boyfriend's work potluck thing whatever. They're really easy to make, and easy to devour in a small amount of time. Lol. Also, there's no cooking involved. It's all no bake!


1lb large strawberries
8oz cream cheese, softened/room temperature
4 tbsp powdered sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
a paper plate full of graham cracker crumbs

1. Rinse  strawberries and trim tops with a paring knife, or a similar small knife.Hollow out all strawberries.
2. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla until creamy.
3. Add cream cheese mixture to a piping bag and fill strawberries with the mix.
4. Dip top of strawberries in the graham cracker crust on your paper plate.
5. EAT!!

Now, of course you don't have to use a paper plate. But I keep all my good dishes put away until company comes over. Also, I suppose you could sprinkle on the graham cracker crumbs, but it might be quite messy and not nearly as effective as dipping them. These things are really good, and the mix tastes just like cheesecake filling.

Eat up y'all!

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