Friday, August 9, 2013

Now THAT'S italian!

In 2005 I visited a restaurant called Come Back Inn located in Jeffersonville, Indiana. It was a small, hole-in-the-wall type place, and above all, Italian!! Their menu has tons of delicious foods, but one in particular caught my eye. I'd never heard nor tried it before, so I figured what the hell. Pasta Greco. Boy, was I in for a treat.

They brought me a very large bowl filled with fettucini noodles, spinach, kalamata olives, sun dried tomatoes, feta cheese, pine nuts, olive oil, and red onions, all tossed together like a beautiful food orgy. I immediately fell in love with this dish, but not so much the price (I'm cheap, what can I say?) or the drive. So I decided that in order for me to enjoy this for a much cheaper price and less driving, I'd have to make it at home. So I did.

Sorry about the photo quality. I didn't know about macro yet. Lol. But it turned out AMAZING. I still like to go back to Come Back Inn from time to time for the Greco, but I still make this at home. :) So, for all of you interested, here's the recipe. :)

12 oz. Fettucini
1 bunch baby spinach
4 oz. feta cheese
1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives
2 T kalamata olive oil

I T diced sundried tomato
1 T diced red onion
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 tsp. lemon zest
1/2 tsp. sea salt
fresh ground pepper to taste


Boil fettucini according to package directions. Drain, rinse and return to pot.

Rinse and dry spinach
Sliver olives (cut in quarters)
Zest lemon
Crumble feta

With pan of drained and rinsed fettucini on low heat, add all remaining ingredients and gently stir until spinach is wilted and ingredients are mixed. Serve warm.

You could always substitute anything in this recipe, like penne, spaghetti, or bowtie pasta noodles. Whatever you like. I'm just partial to the fettucini noodles. :)

Eat up, y'all!

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