Sunday, August 25, 2013

Go home, McGriddle. You are drunk.

So. I don't know about any of you guys, but my guiltiest pleasure is McDonalds McGriddles. I prefer the bacon egg and cheese ones. And they're considerably smaller now that they were when they first came out. Most things end up that way though. Honey buns. Twinkies. Whoppers. Y'all know what I mean. 

Anyway..I was at my moms house the other day and I made a whole mess of pancakes for the kids. Surprisingly, we had some leftover ones. It was those Hungry Jack ones in the packet, the funfetti kind. Really freakin' delicious. My mom ended up making some breakfast after that, and had some leftover sausages. I saw them sitting next to eachother being all pancakey and sausagey and I figured they'd probably make a pretty good sandwich. So I slapped a couple tomato slices on there, and voila. Sausage and funfetti pancake mcgriddle with tomato. I can't wait to have these again.

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