Friday, November 1, 2013

Freebies Galore.

I've really been wanting to post all my freebies so y'all can see just how much stuff is out there if you look for it. However, our connection is slow as molasses right now (cuz we're 'borrowing' someone else's wifi), so when I go to my moms later on to do laundry, I'll post my assload of freebies pics. Her connection is primo. Like, top notch.

Also, I am still going to do my review for my stay matte voxbox, just haven't gotten around to it. I got an email a few days ago that said I was guaranteed a Violet voxbox. That's 3 boxes in one year, and I started doing this in like..july? Some people dont get boxes for a looong time. I've gotten two really spiffy ones. I hear the violet box is gonna be amazing though.

Eat up, y'all!

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