Friday, September 12, 2014

My secret weapon to a bikini ready lifestyle.

Worried about how you'll look in your bikini once summer hits? We've all been there.

"I need to get ready for bikini season!"

"Bout to get my bikini workout on! Two-piece here I come!"

"I've gained all this weight over the am I going to be ready for bikini season in just a few months?!"

It's an overwhelmingly scary thought. I will most likely NEVER wear a bikini in public ever again, whether my body is fit or not. I have horrific stretch marks (hey, I've had 3 kids) and I look like a tiger..but that's ok, cause Katt Williams likes tigers.

However, there are ways to get your body in shape. I've been doing some working out over the summer, and I cannot BELIEVE how different my body looks because of it. I've been doing TONS of squats, leg lifts, and plies, plus walking at least 30 minutes a day. My thighs used to be considerably larger than my upper body. It was bad. In fact, I had no idea just how bad. I saw a photo of myself that someone took and shared on facebook, and it almost made me cry. I literally didn't know how big I was. Plus my calves were HUGE. I started eating right, limiting my calorie intake with the LoseIt app, and getting as much exercise in as possible. Oh, and drinking a CRAPLOAD OF WATER!! Give up sodas, for good. No, seriously. Do not drink soda. It will make you gain weight faster than anything. Just drink water.

I don't have a scale, so i honestly don't know if I lost any weight. But my body changed. My legs and calves were SO small and toned! I mean, they looked like skinny girl legs! And my thighs and butt actually looked like thighs and butt, not just lumpy stumps. They were smaller. They were more fit.  My boyfriend couldn't believe how different I looked, and my confidence level was much higher. I haven't felt this good about myself in years. Yes I still have fat on my body, quite a bit of it actually. But I'm happier, and that's what's important.

So, in short, exercise, drink LOTS of water, and eat right. It may take a little while to see results, but please don't give up. It's so very worth it in the end. But hey, I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that. :)

Oh, and here are my progress pics. :D

These are from June 4th. In the bottom pic, my thighs are so big they wouldn't fit in the photo. 

This is July 3rd.

July 11th.

August 16th.

I don't have any newer pics than this because I've fallen behind a little with my workouts due to family issues and whatnot. But it's not permanent. I am not giving up. 

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