That's how I like to say it anyway.
Yeah boy. Got my Baklava fix tonight. Yuuuhmeee! There was even some chocolate pieces in there. Too bad it cost an arm and a leg. But it's so worth it.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
My review of Not Your Mother's Clean Freak.
Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Dry Shampoo
Honestly, I was skeptical at first about using it. I've tried the suave stuff, and it just made my hair look dirtier. But this actually did what it said. You do have to use a generous amount, but it's good for every once in a while when you don't get a chance to wash your hair and you need to fluff up your style a little bit. I don't recommend using it every single day, because you do need to actually wash your hair once in a while, and you can't just rely on this to keep your hair looking fresh all week. Lol.
I tried it on my daughter's hair (which is super thin and was straight at the time) and it didn't really help her much, but then again I didn't use a lot because of her hair being so thin and I didn't think I'd need a lot. My hair is pretty thick which is why I HAD to use so much. Here's my hair after I used it. :)
So all in all I give it a thumbs up. It did what it said it would do, and it didn't stink! It smelled pretty good actually. Use this if your hair needs washing, but you don't have the time. Just don't substitute this for an actual shampooing because it can cause lots of buildup in your hair, just like any other hair product. Make sure you don't skimp on it either. Depending on your hair type (but most hair types) you may require a good amount of it to make a considerable difference. Thanks so much for this product!
For more information on this product visit
I received this product complimentary from Influenster in my Violet VoxBox for testing purposes.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Montagne Jeunesse Clay Spas
Last night I actually had some free time to myself (the kids went to bed early, as did my boyfriend), so I decided to go ahead and give this stuff a try. I've never seen it before, and I got it in the Violet Voxbox from Influenster. I've been hearing really good things about it from other Influensters, so I knew it was going to be a treat.
As soon as I cut open the package, I could immediately smell the scent of the mask which was AMAZING!
It was unlike anything I'd ever smelled. The scent alone was extremely relaxing and theraputic. Like really clean water, not chemically treated, but just free of pollutants. Really fresh smelling.
When I pulled the mask out of the package and unfolded it, it looked like a giant bandage for your face, covered in a green mud-like substance. I didn't have any problems putting the mask on, and it smoothed out really easily, and adhered to my skin well. I did look a bit silly, kind of scary even, but it really felt nice on my face.
The initial sensation was overwhelming, but in a good way. It was EXTREMELY cooling and tingly on my skin, plus the scent of it made me feel like I was at a real, fancy-like spa. This stuff is the real deal. I could do this all the time! It feels like I rubbed tooth paste all over my face, without the minty burn of it. Just a cooling sensation on every inch of my face that the mask touched.
I left it on longer than 15 mintes (as directed by the package) because it just felt too good to take it off. I even freaked my boyfriend out a little bit because I look a little bit like leatherface. I took a video of myself waking him up, and I may put it on youtube. hehe. Anyway, I left it on about 45 minutes total and enjoyed every single second of it.
The package says to massage your skin after you remove the mask, so I did that. The mud-ish stuff had dried on my face already so I wet my face a bit, and massaged the residual mud into my skin, then rinsed. And o-m-g!
It was easy to rinse off, and after I dried my face, it felt amazing. My skin even looked brigther! It felt really smooth, clean, and even youthful. Like I'd dunked my face in a fountain of youth, or been swimming in the sea or something. My skin doesn't feel dry or tight at all, just refreshed and rejuvinated, and super smooth. Plus, the scent stayed on my skin for a while, and smelled lovely.
It may sound silly, but I'd love to go to wherever this mud is collected and just take a vacation there, and roll around in this stuff. Lol. I can't wait to try more of these masks. I know there's several varieties and if they're anything like the one I tried, I'm sure I'll love them.
Thanks Influenster and Montagne Jeunesse. I probably would never have known about this product if it hadn't been for y'all!
For more information about Montagne Jeunesse, please visit their Facebook Page, website, twitter, or their Pinterest page. And as always, visit Influenster for more information about their program.
Violet Voxbox from Influenster.
Haaaayyy!! SO! I got my Violet Voxbox from Influenster last week, and it had some AWESOME stuff inside!!! I have never gotten so many products from them in just one box! It was very exciting. I'm talkin' cheese and sprinkles exciting. So without further ado, I give you...The Violet Voxbox.

It's so..VIOLET! And it's pretty big.
Look at all this great stuff! It's awesome, right? I got a SoyJoy bar (Cranberry), a bottle of Sally Hansen Triple Shine Nail Color in Reef Rat, a Goody Athletique headband, a can of Not Your Mother's Cleak Freak Dry Shampoo, and a Montagne Jeunesse Dead Sea Mud Mask.
I really liked the SoyJoy bar. It went great with coffee, y'all.

Also, the mud mask was FANTASTIC! I've never felt anything like that on my face before. Yes, I realize I look like leatherface, but felt good. Extremely cool and tingly feeling. I loved it. Also, I'm wearing my Goody Athletique headband in the photo. I like the headband, and it's cute and all, but just like all other headbands I've used, it slid right off my head. I'll have to get some bobby pins to secure it if i want to continue to wear it.
Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of the nail polish on yet. I haven't had time to use it (I've got two kiddos who keep me busy ALL THE TIME) but if the brand challenge comes up, I will definitely be doing that sucker.
So, I hope you've all enjoyed seeing all the products in my Violet Voxbox. I know I loved getting them! My next box will be the brand challenge prize from the Stay Matte Voxbox..and those goodies are going to be SPECTACULAR! Thanks for reading, guys!
Eat up, y'all!
*I received all products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes*
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